
Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 38

This bug is Can't drag text into a text input in a form. It was filed on 2006-04-28 at 01:07 PDT.


Inputs of type "text" do not register themselves as drop targets.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Select some text. I used some text in Adium's inputline, and in a textarea in Safari, and on the page in Safari.
  2. Drag it into an input of type "text" in a form on a page in Safari.

Expected Results:

The input accepts the drop.

Actual Results:

The input fails the drop.


None known.


Dragging to a textarea works.

At 05:14, I uploaded a test case.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 37

This bug is Volume MenuExtra is not accessible. It was filed on 2006-04-28 at 00:54 PDT.


The slider in the Volume MenuExtra is not usable by Accessibility applications.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch the Accessibility Inspector.
  2. Click on the Volume MenuExtra.
  3. Point to the slider.

Expected Results:

Accessibility Inspector describes a slider.

Actual Results:

<AXApplication: “SystemUIServer”>

AXRole: “AXUnknown”
AXRoleDescription: “unknown”
AXChildren: “<array of size 0>”
AXParent: “<AXApplication: “SystemUIServer”>”
AXPosition: “x=987 y=22”
AXSize: “w=29 h=116”
AXEnabled: “true”


None known. The Volume MenuExtra from Panther (10.3.9) has the same problem.



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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 36

This bug is -mtune (Instruction Scheduling) does not include Intel processors. It was filed on 2006-04-28 at 00:35 PDT.


With the move to Intel processors, Xcode needs to support processor-specific optimization for them.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Get info on a target or project.
  2. Switch to the Build tab.
  3. Change the active Collection to one that includes GCC/Code Generation.
  4. Edit the "Instruction Scheduling" setting.

Expected Results:

At least pentium-m is listed, being (presumably) the most similar to Yonah (the "Core Solo"/"Core Duo" processors). Ideally, scheduling optimizations for Yonah itself should be added to GCC, with a matching listing in Xcode's pop-up menu.

Actual Results:

Only G3, G4, and G5 are listed (besides "None").


This wasn't a problem before the move to Intel.


Direct Yonah support isn't supported by GCC (yet) according to the GCC manual's page "i386 and x86-64 Options". GNU's current documentation doesn't list it either.

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Unscheduled downtime

Last night, my hard drive started making some unpleasant noises (click-of-death-ish). So I backed up my C and Obj-C programs (annoying my dad, who wanted to watch NCIS during that time). They resumed with renewed vigor tonight, so I'm now backing up everything, and today I'll be going to CompUSA to buy a new hard drive. It's more than twice as big as my current drive (250 GB rather than 120 GB), and it'll be $60 after rebate.

Preceding that will be lunch at Sizzler, and following it will be photocopying the rebate form and the receipt so we can mail the required documents to Maxtor. I don't know when I'll be back — probably a day or two.


Free SEE (maybee)

MacZOT is doing a thing called BlogZOT. Every time somebody posts and submits a blog post about it, the price of SubEthaEdit goes down by 5 cents (USD, I guess). As of this writing, it's at $11.75 with 365 posts. And the lower bound? $0. That's right; if enough people blog about it, SEE will be free for the rest of the day. This post is my contribution.

Hope you enjoy your free SEE!

UPDATE 15:18 PDT: I looked at the MacZOT homepage and they mention two other requirements for a blog post:

  • MacZOT and TheCodingMonkeys will award $105,000 in Mac software
  • any comments you have about the software, the web site, or the promotion

So, uh, yeah. MacZOT and TheCodingMonkeys will award 105 kilobucks of Mac software. And SEE rocks.

Technorati tags: MacZOT, BlogZOT, SubEthaEdit.


Boring personal stuff #2

Filed for my state ID today. Supposed to arrive in "about three weeks". Next on the list will be passport.

Making vim grok Obj-C

Like many, I use the popular open-source text editor vim. Earlier, I set about making it more usable through syntax coloring. This included tweaking its support for Objective-C.

First, mkdir ~/.vim, and cd ~/.vim. Now mkdir syntax. cp /usr/share/vim/vim62/filetype.vim . and cp /usr/share/vim/vim62/syntax/objc.vim syntax/. Then select and copy this patch:

Index: filetype.vim
--- filetype.vim 2005-03-21 02:12:47.000000000 -0800
+++ filetype.vim 2006-04-24 03:33:27.000000000 -0700
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 " .h files can be C or C++, set c_syntax_for_h if you want C
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.h
- \ if exists("c_syntax_for_h") | setf c | else | setf cpp | endif
+ \ if exists("c_syntax_for_h") | setf c | else | if exists("objc_syntax_for_h") | setf objc | else | setf cpp | endif | endif
 " TLH files are C++ headers generated by Visual C++'s #import from typelibs
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tlh   setf cpp
Index: syntax/objc.vim
--- syntax/objc.vim 2005-03-21 02:12:49.000000000 -0800
+++ syntax/objc.vim 2006-04-24 03:19:25.000000000 -0700
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
 syn match  objcDirective "@class\|@end\|@defs"
 syn match  objcDirective "@encode\|@protocol\|@selector"
+syn keyword     objcStorageClass   in out inout byref bycopy
 " Match the ObjC method types
 " NOTE: here I match only the indicators, this looks
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@
   HiLink objcFactMethod Function
   HiLink objcStatement Statement
   HiLink objcDirective Statement
+  HiLink objcStorageClass StorageClass
   delcommand HiLink

Now type pbpaste | patch -p0.

OK, now you have modified copies of the file type detector and the Obj-C syntax coloring. Now you need a .vimrc. If you already have one, add this to it; otherwise, create it with this:

let c_gnu=1
let c_no_bracket_error=1
let objc_syntax_for_h=1
syntax enable

This makes the following changes:

Enables detection of some GCC extensions to C.
Allows {} inside of []. This lets you do compound literals inside messages; for example: [self setFrame:(NSRect){ NSZeroPoint, (NSSize){ 128.0f, 128.0f } }];
Tells vim (with my modifications, that you did above) that a .h file is an Obj-C header, not a C++ header.
syntax enable
Enables syntax-highlighting.

Technorati tags: , .


Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 35

This bug is Xcode: Use standard Xcode text view as field editor. It was filed on 2006-04-21 at 22:03 PDT.


Xcode's field editor should be an Xcode text view rather than a plain NSTextView, so that completion and ctrl-left/-right are supported.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. ⌥-click on a file reference in the project to rename it.
  2. Press ctrl-left or ctrl-right to move within the class name.

Expected Results:

The insertion point moves to within the class name.

Actual Results:

Xcode/NSTextView beeps.





Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 34

This bug is Xcode: Cocoa Document-Based Application template uses old-style document methods. It was filed on 2006-04-21 at 21:19 PDT.


NSDocument documentation recommends using -readFromData:ofType:error: and -dataOfType:error:, but the project template uses the older methods.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new project.
  2. Use the Cocoa Document-Based Application template.

Expected Results:

MyDocument, from the new document, implements -readFromData:ofType:error: and -dataOfType:error:.

Actual Results:

MyDocument implements the deprecated methods -loadDataRepresentation:ofType: and -dataRepresentationOfType:.


Prior to Mac OS X 10.4, this wasn't a problem, because -loadDataRepresentation:ofType: and -dataRepresentationOfType: were not deprecated.


One could make the argument that the deprecated methods should still be implemented so that the new application is compatible with 10.3.x and earlier. But a new application is not likely to require such compatibility. Also, if this argument is indeed the motivation, then the project should target the 10.3 (or an earlier) SDK.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 33

This bug is Interface Builder should use +/- buttons for Outlets and Actions lists. It was filed on 2006-04-21 at 21:06 PDT.


IB uses "Add" and "Remove" buttons on the Outlets and Actions lists; it should use +/- instead, like the Accounts prefpane.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Inspect a class in the nib.
  2. Switch to the Attributes Inspector.

Expected Results:

IB shows small square buttons labeled + and - like the Accounts prefpane has.

Actual Results:

IB shows plain "Add" and "Remove" push buttons.





Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 32

This bug is Can't reorder login items in Accounts preference pane.. It was filed on 2006-04-21 at 20:53 PDT.


The Accounts preference pane does not allow you to drag and drop login items into different orders.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Drag a login item to a different position.

Expected Results:

The login item is moved.

Actual Results:

The prefpane does a multiple selection.


None known.


Probably results from rdar://4523642.


Edit loginwindow.plist directly.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 31

This bug is System Events does not allow insertion of Login Items. It was filed on 2006-04-21 at 20:53 PDT.


No supported way exists to insert a login item at a specific index, rather than just the end.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Run the following AppleScript script: tell application "System Events" to make new login item at login item 1 with properties {name:"Foo", path:"X:Y:Z:Foo", kind:"application", hidden:false}

Expected Results:

The login item is inserted at the start of the list.

Actual Results:

The login item is inserted at the end of the list.


None known.




Edit loginwindow.plist directly.

Technorati tags: ,


Free plus and minus images

I've created a pair of plus and minus images, similar to those used in the Accounts pane of System Preferences. They are free, released by me into the public domain. Enjoy.

Technorati tags: , .


Change of plans

Driving is hard. Recognizing this, I've decided to get a plain state ID for now, and work on the DL later. A DL will take too long.

Free stuff on iTunes: 2006-04-18

Just the one: an Apprentice highlight reel.

Technorati tags: iTunes, iTunes Music Store, iTMS, iTunes Video Store.

Alias, now on iTunes

You can now buy season 4 and season 5 from iTVS. Good to see.

Technorati tags: iTunes, iTunes Music Store, iTMS, iTunes Video Store.


Monday, Monday

Full grammar changeover is complete starting Monday at 00:00 PDT. This includes IRC, the last holdout.


Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 30

This bug is ⌘W and ⌘⌥W close Inspectors too. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 23:45 PDT.


When the user presses ⌘W, IB will close a floating window if it has focus. When the user presses ⌘⌥W to close all nib windows, IB also closes all of the floating windows.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Press ⌘W or ⌘⌥W.

Expected Results:

The frontmost non-floating window closes, or all non-floating windows and no floating windows close.

Actual Results:

The frontmost window (floating or not) closes, or all windows (including floating windows) close.


None known.


Floating windows in IB are the Palette, the Alignment palette, and the Inspector.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 29

This bug is NSWorkspace documentation contains two split sentences. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 23:30 PDT.


Documentation of several instance methods of NSWorkspace contains two sentences that have each been split in two, with the method signature between.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the NSWorkspace documentation.
  2. Visit -activeApplication or -launchedApplications.

Expected Results:

Both sentences are not split.

Actual Results:

Both sentences are split.





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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 28

This bug is NSAnimation documented as inheriting from itself. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 23:25 PDT.


The infobox at the top of the NSAnimation reference gives a cyclic inheritance path.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the NSAnimation reference.

Expected Results:

The infobox at the top says that NSAnimation inherits from NSObject.

Actual Results:

The infobox at the top says that NSAnimation inherits from NSAnimation inherits from NSObject.


None known.


As documented, NSAnimation inherits from both itself and NSObject. This is both cyclic inheritance and multiple inheritance, and both are illegal in Objective-C.

Similar to "NSViewAnimation documentation documented as inheriting from itself.".

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 27

This bug is NSViewAnimation documented as inheriting from itself. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 23:21 PDT.


The infobox at the top of the NSViewAnimation reference gives a cyclic inheritance path.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the NSViewAnimation reference.

Expected Results:

The infobox at the top says that NSViewAnimation inherits from NSAnimation inherits from NSObject.

Actual Results:

The infobox at the top says that NSViewAnimation inherits from NSViewAnimation inherits from NSAnimation.


None known.


As documented, NSViewAnimation inherits from both itself and NSAnimation. This is both cyclic inheritance and multiple inheritance, and both are illegal in Objective-C.

Also, NSAnimation is the last (highest) in the list, rather than NSObject, which means that NSAnimation is a root class.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 26

This bug is NSViewAnimation documentation lists effect values among animation-option keys. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 23:15 PDT.


The Constants section of the NSViewAnimation reference lists the two effect values among the animation-option keys.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the NSViewAnimation reference.
  2. Go to the Constants section.

Expected Results:

The effect values, NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect and NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect, have a separate table from the option keys (such as NSViewAnimationEffectKey, the key for which the two *Effect constants are legal values).

Actual Results:

NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect and NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect are listed in the same table with the option keys.


None known.



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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 25

This bug is Allow folder menu items in Bookmarks menu to open the Bookmarks view. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 23:05 PDT.


Safari should allow you to click on a folder item in the Bookmarks menu to open the Bookmarks view to that folder.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Click on the Bookmarks menu.
  2. Click on any folder item.

Expected Results:

The Bookmarks view opens, with that folder and all its superfolders expanded.

Actual Results:

Nothing happens.


None known.



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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 24

This bug is iTVS Browse view is way out of date. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 23:01 PDT.

UPDATE 2006-05-02, 16:59: I just checked, and the Browse view now contains all of these shows and most of these seasons. I'll update the bug (and this post) later with the missing seasons.


The Browse view for the TV Shows section of the iTunes Music Store is missing many shows and seasons of shows.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Click on Music Store.
  2. Click on TV Shows.

Expected Results:

99 shows are listed.

Actual Results:

70 shows are listed.


None known.


A previous bug, "The Daily Show and The Colbert Report not listed among iTunes TV Shows", which has since been fixed, has the same nature. Perhaps a system needs to be constructed that automatically updates the contents of the Browse view when new shows or seasons are posted?

The full list of missing shows and seasons is:


  • The Real Housewives of Orange County

Comedy Central:

  • Mind of Mencia
  • The Showbiz Show with David Spade


  • CSTV 101
  • NCAA March Madness Classics
  • NCAA March Madness 2006
  • 2006 NCAA Men's Basketball Champions: University of Florida Gators

Disney Channel:

  • Disney's Little Einsteins
  • The Emperor's New School
  • Hannah Montana
  • That's So Raven, season 4


  • 2006 Bowl Championship Series


  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
  • Power Rangers: Mystic Force
  • Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!


  • Jackass, season 2
  • Jackass, season 3
  • Wonden Showzen, season 2

The N:

  • South of Nowhere


  • Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
  • Law & Order: Criminal Intent
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
  • Scrubs


  • Avatar
  • Dora the Explorer, season 2
  • Ghost Hunters
  • Zoey 101, season 2


  • Dave Chappelle: For What It's Worth
  • Showtime Championship Boxing

I might linkify those here at some point.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 23

This bug is Left/right arrows do not move back and forth in Browse view. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 22:22 PDT.


Pressing the left or right arrow key does not move among the columns in iTunes' browse view.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Select any item in the Browse view, giving that view focus.
  2. Press the left or right arrow key.

Expected Results:

The focus moves to a different column.

Actual Results:

iTunes switches to the previous or next track instead.


None known.


iTunes seems to forward the arrow keys to Previous and Next Track, regardless of focus. Having the Browse view focused should override this, for consistency with other column views (like in Finder or NSSavePanel).

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 22

This bug is Navigation keys don't work in Bookmarks view. It was filed on 2006-04-14 at 22:12 PDT.


The page-up, page-down, home, and end keys don't work in Safari's bookmarks view.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Choose "Show All Bookmarks" from the Bookmarks menu.
  2. Press page-up, page-down, home, or end, in an attempt to scroll the bookmarks view.

Expected Results:

The view scrolls.

Actual Results:

The view stands fast.


None known.



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Free stuff on iTunes special: 2006-04-14

While I was working on a bug report against iTVS, I found this: CSTV 101, commercials for CSTV.

Technorati tags: iTunes, iTunes Music Store, iTMS, iTunes Video Store, iTVS, CSTV.


Know your Xcode

A couple of tips for using Xcode more efficiently.

  • Most commands that start an operation stop it as well. ⌘B, for example, starts and stops a build. ⌘⌥R will terminate a running subshell.

  • Rule of key commands: With ⌘ and no other modifiers, the key command does at least a build. ⌘⌥ will do that thing alone, without building first. ⇧⌘ opens the progress window for that operation, without actually doing it. This applies to:

    • ⌘B/⇧⌘B (Build, Build Results)1
    • ⌘R/⌘⌥R/⇧⌘R (Build and Run, Run, Run Log)
    • ⌘Y/⌘⌥Y/⇧⌘Y (Build and Debug, Debug Executable, Debugger).

Any other suggestions? Please post them in the comments.

  1. There is no ⌘⌥B because, obviously, you cannot build without building.

Technorati tags: Xcode.


Making Spotlight work for you

For a long time now, I've kept Spotlight disabled because it constantly cranked away at my hard drive. I couldn't figure out why that was, until recently, when I had an epiphany:

  • Spotlight updates its index when a file is updated.
  • If Spotlight is updating constantly, one or more files must be getting constantly updated.

What sort of file gets constantly updated?

That's right. A log file.

So I added the folder with my IRC logs to the blacklist in the “Privacy” tab in Spotlight preferences, et voila, the constant indexing stopped.

Problem solved.

Technorati tags: Spotlight.

Too much spam

Anonymous comments are now off again. Too many spam messages get through when they don't have to sign up for an account.


Iron Coder was a blast

I competed in the zeroth Iron Coder competition. These are the thoughts I wrote down the day after. (You can tell the age of this post because I was still using 12-hour time.)

It was great fun. I already knew the Accessibility API, so I didn't have to study at all, though I did hit a couple of thorns in it when I was working on my project. As for Mardi Gras — well, I've never been outside California, so I've never been to Mardi Gras. I chose the bead theme for my project, as did several others.

I started around 3:20 PM, as soon as I thought of my idea. This was around 10 minutes after the theme was announced. I went to bed around 7 AM, being too exhausted to continue. I slept for five hours. I'd hoped that the FTP upload info would be up by the time I was, but it wasn't. Good thing, as I did find some things in my project that needed to be finished off.

Colin and I were communicating by IM virtually the entire time that both of us were up. He started his about 12 hours late, so he had half the coding time everybody else had. And by the end of the contest, he'd been up for almost 30 hours. His app, DrunkVision, is all the cooler for that, even if nobody could figure out the secret Quit hot-key. ;)

I finished mine with under half an hour until the end of the 24 hours, and Colin uploaded his with just two minutes to spare. Seems like almost everybody who competed used every waking minute.

And this morning, I slept for 12 hours. So that's the other side of the pendulum.

I'm looking forward to the next one. I don't think they should be too frequent; maybe every 6 months to a year. That much time without sleep is hard on anyone. I do want to use all 24 hours on at least one Iron Coder, just to be true to the spirit of it. It'd be rough, but it feels great at the end.

Also, some more thoughts:

  • Several of the entries were actually useful. DrunkVision is one example, though the Mardi Gras-themed colors it uses might not be appropriate for everyday usage. Others were Pancake Day (not compliant with the theme at all, other than the name) and FFMinator. These are apps that you could use at any time, not just Mardi Gras.
  • I agree with the choice of winner. Lucas Eckels' Symphony is by far the best entry — best use of theme, and of API, and it was executed beautifully.
  • I didn't like my submission as much as some (including the judge) did. I wanted some bead physics like Blake Seely had. But I don't know how to do that and didn't have time to learn. Oh well.

Sometime in the near future, I'll release Beads 1.1, with a fix to the drawing code. Then I'll publish a page on my website showing how to draw the beads.


Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 21

This bug is Xcode's Condensed layout does not have scrollers. It was filed on 2006-04-07 at 23:42 PDT.


The Condensed layout for Xcode's project window does not have scrollers.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Choose "Preferences" from the Xcode menu, or press ⌘,.
  2. Switch to the General pane.
  3. Choose the Condensed layout.
  4. Open or create a project.
  5. If necessary, perform some combination of resizing the window and expanding groups and categories so that the total height of the rows of the visible items in the project window exceeds the height of the table view in that window.

Expected Results:

The window has or gains scrollers.

Actual Results:

No scrollers.


The Default/Detail view, which is the only layout in all Mac OS X versions of Project Builder and the pre-Condensed versions of Xcode and the default in versions that do have Condensed, does not have this problem.


The All-in-One layout does not have this problem either.

The window can be scrolled using a scroll wheel or scroll-capable trackpad, or software such as Catchy Software's MaxiMice. The window can also be indirectly scrolled by using the arrow keys to select the next item up/down.

Technorati tags: , , .

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 20

This bug is RadarWeb does not uses separate first name from MyInfo. Yes, I know that that statement is incoherent — I don't know how “does not” got in there. In any case, it was filed on 2006-04-07 at 04:04 PDT.


ADC (including RadarWeb) uses the developer's last name from MyInfo, but uses its own storage for the first name.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to Apple's MyInfo page and login.
  2. Change your name.
  3. Go to ADC or RadarWeb and login.

Expected Results:

ADC or RadarWeb greets you as, for example, "Peter Hosey".

Actual Results:

ADC or RadarWeb greets you as, for example, "Mac-arena Hosey".


None known.


I originally signed up for my ADC account under my pseudonym, "Mac-arena the Bored Zo". When I signed up for iTMS, I noticed in the terms of service that one's real name is required. So I changed it. ADC only picked up half the change. It seems to use separate storage for the first name, but the same storage for the last name.

iTunes and MyInfo display my first name correctly.

The relevant section of the TOS is section 7. Quoth the TOS:

You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information required to register with the Service and at other points as may be required in the course of using the Service ("Registration Data").

And one of the things required is one's name.

UPDATE 23:19 PDT: At 14:10, an Apple employee replied to the bug report, telling me that he updated my profile to reflect the change. It is, indeed, updated. The bug report is still open, however, and set to the "Verify" state.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 19

This bug is Disjoint selections don't drop where you tell them to. It was filed on 2006-04-07 at 03:28 PDT.


When you drop a disjoint multiple selection of songs into a position in a playlist, they will land in the position above the song that you dropped them below.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a playlist containing songs A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
  2. Select any of songs CG, so long as at least one of DF is not selected.
  3. Drag and drop the selection above B.

Expected Results:

The songs land between A and B.

Actual Results:

The songs land at the top, above A.


All versions 6 and later have this bug. I don't know if any previous versions have it.


Contiguous and single selections are not affected. Dragging a contiguous or single selection in step 3 above will land the song or songs between A and B, as expected.

The direction of the drag (up or down) does not matter. The bug will happen either way.


Drag and drop songs one contiguous bunch at a time, or drop them below song B instead of above it.

Technorati tags: ,

Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 18

This bug is Preview uses its own made-up value for resolution of PostScript images. It was filed on 2006-04-07 at 00:45 PDT.

I discovered this bug when making the navigation buttons I donated to Simone Manganelli (you may recognize his1 name if you've been reading the comments on this blog) for switching among his stylesheets. The PNG images that I saved from Preview showed up as 32×32 in the Finder. So I had to open the EPS file in Photoshop, which is how I found out that the resolution was wrong.


PostScript documents can specify a resolution. Preview, when converting to PDF and then to raster format, ignores that value and uses 150 dpi instead.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open an Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) file containing an explicit resolution in Preview.
  2. Save as PNG or TIFF.
  3. Open the PNG or TIFF in Photoshop. (NOTE: This is incorrect. I meant to change this but forgot. See below. —PRH)
  4. Choose "Image Size". (NOTE: This is incorrect. I meant to change this but forgot. See below. —PRH)

Expected Results:

The resolution is as stated in the EPS file.

Actual Results:

The resolution is 150 dpi in a TIFF file, or 150.0124 dpi in a PNG.


None known.


The Document Structuring Conventions, upon which EPS is based, provide for a resolution in the optional "Requirements" comment. For example:

%%Requirements: resolution(x,y)

Preview appears to target a specific length in real-world measurements (inches or cm). Not only does it force the resolution to 150 dpi, it also rasterizes the image at double-size (which compensates for the resolution change, but only in applications that pay attention to the DPI — which are not many, at least in the case of PNG files). This is symptomatic of Preview converting to PDF as an intermediary, as proven by using pstopdf and then saving the PDF as PNG or TIFF — it is still saved as 150 dpi, double-size.

The solution is twofold:

  1. Rasterize at 72 dpi by default. This is the default resolution of PostScript, upon which PDF is based, so it is sane to expect both PDFs and PostScript (including EPS) files to be rasterized at that resolution by default. If you really want the double-size behavior, then the DPI should be saved as 144 dpi instead.
  2. Allow the PS-to-PDF converter to accept a resolution in its PS input.

On 2006-04-07 at 01:48 PDT, I added the following information:

Oops. I meant to change the Steps to Reproduce but forgot. Here are the correct steps:

  1. Open an Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) file containing an explicit resolution in Preview.
  2. Save as PNG or TIFF.
  3. Choose “Get Info” from Preview's Tools menu, or press ⌘I.

  1. I'm assuming that Simone Manganelli is a he. If not, sorry; no offense intended.

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Driver training, part 2

  • Turning is hard. It's easy enough in concept, but it's hard to do a sharp turn that doesn't cut into any other lanes.
  • I'm not used to the idea of braking gradually.
  • I drive slowly. Defies the stereotype, for sure. The instructor asked me “How old are you?” “21, going on 22.” “You drive like you're 90. Speed it up.” Keeping the speed of the car below the speed limit, safe for traffic, and above 10 kept me very busy.
  • Mirrors are another thing that keep me busy.

My main problem was that the instructor kept giving me a constant feed of low-level directions: “Apply the brakes, signal, mirrors, look over your shoulder, now gas, let off the gas, turn, brakes, …” When we were done, I suggested to him that he should just tell me what to do (e.g. “Turn right here”) and let me do it. Catch me if I get something wrong, but otherwise, let me do it, and I'll probably get it right. Otherwise:

  1. I'll be following him, instead of thinking and acting on my own.
  2. I'm not going to be able to get along when he's not there.

Lesson 3 of 3 is today. Here's hoping I don't need more.


Driver training, part 1

As I remarked to my instructor, “Driving is easy. It's all the other cars that are the problem.”

Status report after lesson 1 of 3: Turning corners and handling intersections are my current weak points. I'm also not too good about keeping a watch on my rear-view mirror. Other than that, I'm doing well. Especially considering that it was raining the whole time.

I do wish that cars would come with rear-window (including passenger windows) wipers standard. You're supposed to look out of it before making a right turn at an intersection or pulling away from a curb. But I could barely see anything for all the water drops there. The mirrors were working much better for these purposes.

Two more hours tomorrow.


Free stuff on iTunes: 2006-04-04

Well, there's supposed to be. This is linked on the front page of the TV Shows section: The Andy Milonakis Show, season 2. The season premiere is supposed to be there for free. But there are no episodes listed and the show isn't even in the Browse listing of TV Shows. You can even buy the whole season — $1.99 for 0 episodes.

The customer reviews are pretty negative, so maybe MTV got so embarrassed that they simply asked Apple to pull the season.

UPDATE 2006-04-05 00:11 PST: It's up now.

In case you're curious, season 1 is available for money. The only way to get there is by clicking the parent segment in the breadcrumb trail when you visit season 2 (or by clicking my link).

Technorati tags: iTunes, iTunes Music Store, iTMS, iTunes Video Store, iTVS, Andy Milonakis, iTVS, MTV.

My name is... My name is...


OK, not really. My name is Peter Hosey. I am 21 (almost 22) years old, and I currently live in Huntington Beach, California. And this is what I look like:

My face.

This is the official curtain drop. If you already knew my real name, this post means that you are now allowed to tell it to others. The secret has ended.

Updates to my profile on Blogger, Digg, various Tracs, and elsewhere to follow.


Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 17

This bug is iTMS: “Isms” is actually “Talisman”. It was submitted on 2006-03-31 at 23:59 PST.


iTMS sells two albums by Divinorum. But these two albums are actually both the same one.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Buy “Isms” from iTMS.
  2. Listen to all of the tracks.

Expected Results:

You hear “Isms”.

Actual Results:

You hear “Talisman”.


As far as I known, “Isms” has always been wrong. I submitted feedback when I bought “Isms” from iTMS in 2005-06. It's still wrong.


Bjorn Lynne distributes a number of his tracks for free, including two Divinorum tracks. One is “Antigravity”, the first track of “Isms”.

Listening to the iTMS previews of “Isms” and “Talisman” makes clear that they are the same. Listen to both “Antigravity” (track 1 of “Isms”) and “The Human Male” (track 1 of “Talisman”), for example.

Another demonstration is the track times. The “Antigravity” MP3 that Lynne distributes for free is 8 minutes and 14 seconds long. The version on iTMS is 7 minutes and 6 seconds long — the same length as “The Human Male”. All of the track lengths are the same between the two albums, except for track 11 (“Talisman” has 11 tracks; “Isms” has only 10 tracks).

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